June 18, 2008

on books (and a meme)

wasn't careful enough, got tagged -

Laura tagged me with this old meme: Take the nearest book and write three sentences from page 123, from the fifth sentence on.

"That's Sherman," she said. "And that's Jackson. This is Granz, and whatever you do don't go whistling Dixie around him.

Taken from "Ghost Boy" by Iain Lawrence.

I've been tearing through books lately. I read about one a week, in good weeks one and a half. I read one on my day trip to Budapest. Usually I just have time to read on my way to work and back, considering that I'm doing pretty well. In fact, when one Amazon order arrives chances are I have already ordered the next one or gone to the shops to pick up a couple of books on sale. That was how it all started, Finn and I were walking down a major Viennese shopping street with our frappucinos when she spotted Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys on sale, like really cheap. As she was reading something else at the moment I tore through that pretty fast after I had finished his American Gods which is good to have read it before reading Anansi Boys. It's not a prerequisite, but it worked out fine for me that way. So after I couldn't decide what I wanted to order from Amazon next, I went back twice to that bookshop which had English books on sale, and then ordered some more from Amazon (twice). Basically, in the last couple of weeks I reade:
Anansi Boys, The Bad Mother's Handbook, two Artemis Fowl volumes (a fast read and extremely commendable because of wit and the connections between our universe and the fairy world that Colfer amazingly creates), Nick Hornby's Slam, a Nicholas Sparks tearjerker, and I think a couple of other books that I can't remember now.

I just love having time to read again. I loved reading as a kid, tearing through book after book, but I kind of stopped these past couple of years. Finally, I had to read lots of scientific books during my thesis-"retreat", which I hate. So now I'm back to lots and lots of fiction and loving it :) I'll never understand why it can be so hard to get kids to read... with me it was hard to make me stop

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