July 18, 2004

nads nads nads nads nads nads nads nads
sweetie, you got officially mentioned now. happy? ;)
honestly I do miss you a bit. this city is a bore in the summer. what in the world was joe cocker singing about.. there ain't no party! cause everyone's gone. you, sarah, marlies... and steffi is at home for the weekend and a workaholic during the week.  and it's too hot to move anyway. wanted to bring out the rubbish but I didn't. the flat's a mess again and mum is coming home tonight. in our fridge there was plenty of unidentifiable yoghurt - uch! all I've done is eat, watch tv (get real, csd-special, etc.) and I went skating for another hour again. can you become addicted to sports when you're actually a lazy person? the positive side is I'm smoking much less now.
'bout the csd-special. they brought some on-the-street opinions from young ppl... aaaaaaaaaah. first of all they have no clue at all what they are risking by not using condoms, secondly they don't even KNOW that rubbers are the ONLY thing that really can protect them. and then some of their opinions about homosexuality just made me scream. imagine a cad (dunno if that's the right english word), in bad bad german slang saying: "hahaha.. lesbos hmmm great.. because they turn ya on... but gays naaah that's disgusting." and to the interviewers question why that is, he said: "haha... well... uhm... because they... uhm... haha... do ... uhm.. with each other... heheee." the only thing that was disgusting was that guy...
anyways... I'm gonna distract myself with final fantasy, which is on tv now...

1 comment:

mccutcheon said...

you lurker! you even have a blogger profile :P
but I feel honoured I got you to post.
I hope you're granddad will be ok. I know it's hard but I also know that you will be strong as usual to get through everything!
