November 20, 2007

shiver me (timbers)

It's my second day at work and I'm sick. I have a sore throat, aching bones and muscles and I'm literally s h a k i n g. I have no fucking clue how that could happen, except possibly my lack of working out coming back to bite me in the ass. Yesterday they let me write a couple of small things, but today they gave me the lead story of the page. I never thought they would so soon. Unfortunately however, I sincerely think I fucked it up. I finished so close to the deadline it's not even funny anymore. Maybe it was because people kept not calling me back or because I'm a little out of practice again or maybe just because I'm in such a bad state physically today. Anyhow, it happened. Let's just hope I'll get a chance to redeem myself rather sooner than later. Which incidentally I don't know how to do since I'm seriously sick this time. I can't just stay home. I can't do that. Shit.


AliBlahBlah said...

Hope you're feeling better, and sorry you were feeling so crap for such a big day. I'm sure it's hard to tell a boss that to pull off 'adequate' when you're like death warmed up is quite a feat - they'll realise soon enough I'm sure.

I'm not sure this comment makes sense. I think I need to lay off the wine.

mccutcheon said...

admittedly I had to read it twice, but it did make sense. so, just keep drinking ;)

LG said...

It totally makes sense! Of course, I'm drinking vodka right now, so ...

mccutcheon said...

come to think of it I was probably delirious from my cold when I read it. hm.. al, maybe you should lay off the booze ;)