July 04, 2008


Okay, I finally got my "reading"-widget (thanks, shazza!), which means I now have to fess up to you. I'm reading the Twilight saga. I never thought it would happen, especially since I tend to give books that everybody is over the moon about a wide berth. But somehow in my current habit of basically devouring books in 2 days max I got sucked into it, young adult love story or not.
And I have to say Twilight was really good. Not Philipp Pullman-deep kind of good and not John Irving-crazy kind of good, but I liked it. Except for the fact that I want to barf at how Bella's life revolves around Edward and nothing and no one else exists. You got to have friends, girl! I finished New Moon yesterday and am now reading the third part, Eclipse. I still enjoy reading it, it's quite suspenseful at times, however the saga has the typical sequel problem - whatever comes after the first book is usually not that great (that goes for movies as well usually). And another big con: While Bella is completely oblivious about a lot of happenings and reasons, I tend to guess what's going on with the same information that she has. So then I'm basically just waiting for her to figure it out as well or someone else to enlighten her. Predictability can be quite annoying with books, takes away a bit of the pleasure. I will however read the fourth part as well when it comes out in fall. I'm kinda ocd like that, I can't just not read a sequel if the parts are more than just loosely connected...

Finn of course will never ever read it, that I know. She has a strong dislike for young adult books and romance. In fact, our reading habits are totally different. But that's gonna have to be another blogpost, because I have some work to do now. With the words: "Do you want to earn some big money today" my boss just gave me a couple of articles to do :)

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